by Alison Ward
November 23, 2024

A Polyvagal perspective on social gatherings

There it was, the WhatsApp invitation. I sunk back on the bed and groaned. The physical reaction first and then the thought, “I thought I had navigated this, and now there is another thing”. Back to the body:…

by Alison Ward
September 24, 2024

“Keep calm and carry on,” they said

I grew up with that phrase. It felt like good advice back then, so I followed it. I kept going, perhaps not always calmly.  But it is not the advice I would give to anyone today. Nor is it…

by Alison Ward
September 13, 2024

Some important life lessons from the muddy trenches of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, my journey as a Life Coach coincided with my daughter’s diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). As a result of many hundreds of hours of research trying to find some…

by Alison Ward
August 24, 2024

I became a life coach specialising in nervous system regulation when my daughter got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

When you’re searching for answers to an unexplained medical condition, life can feel bleak and overwhelming. You’re constantly coping with symptoms, flare-ups and at a loss for answers and wondering who to turn to next. I’ve been there…