by Dr. Rav James
October 26, 2024

Acknowledge the sugary comet in the room

Photo: Erin, me, Denise, Lindsey, Bron & Claire enjoying a slice of Hanya's zero-sugar chocolate tart Have you watched Don’t Look Up yet? In this Netflix movie two scientists try to convince humanity that a civilization-destroying comet is on a…

by Dr. Rav James
October 12, 2024

Most Women Are Not Aware That This Syndrome is a Medical Condition. Sadly, This Often Stops Them From Enjoying Sexual Intimacy Later in Life

The Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) is defined as a collection of symptoms and signs associated with estrogen deficiency that can involve the labia, introitus, vagina, clitoris, bladder, and urethra.  In 2014, the term “genitourinary syndrome of menopause”…

by Dr. Rav James
September 20, 2024

I Woke Up Late To This Women’s Health Option

There are things that we sometimes wake up late to in life. I hope, through writing this column, that one of those things for many readers, is the havoc that ultra-processed foods wreak in the body over years.…

by Dr. Rav James
September 13, 2024

An overview of non-hormone therapy options for managing medium to severe hot flashes in perimenopause & menopause

The SWAN study - a large cohort study of women transitioning through menopause -  found that 60-80% of women experience hot flashes at some point during the menopause transition. This includes the perimenopause period, or the years leading up…

by Dr. Rav James
February 18, 2024

Let’s Play the “What’s Controversial in Health?” Game

Apparently heating ready-made meals in plastic containers in microwaves generally isn’t seen as controversial. Margarine and seed oils aren’t seen as controversial. Taking pharmaceutical drugs for life (in cases where there are other ways) isn’t seen as controversial.…

by Dr. Rav James
October 12, 2023

“I’m-An-Adult-Who-Got-On-With-It” Induced Anxiety

It’s no secret that I have suffered from some serious periods of extended anxiety in my adult life. I sometimes think about that time I was a 5th year med student on a 36-hour shift in Khayelitsha (you…

by Dr. Rav James
July 15, 2023

Food is Medicine Season 3 | Episode 2: Cabbage & Herbs

Functional Medicine doctor at Hanya House, Dr. Rav James, is back in The Remedy Bar talking about the huge medicinal benefits of the humble cabbage. PLUS, she shares her way of preparing a fresh cabbage salad without store-bought…

by Dr. Rav James
October 14, 2022

Reset Your Metabolic Health

What is it? A 4-week online doctor-led and community-centric journey to manage your weight, reverse disease processes, optimise energy levels, sleep better, and live with more vitality simply by understanding your body’s glucose responses. Next Start Dates: 5…

by Dr. Rav James
June 17, 2022

Food is Medicine Soups

I'm so excited to bring you this compilation of Food is Medicine soups that I cook in our house almost every month. Just a quick (and important) note before we start: I don't use stock in all my…

by Dr. Rav James
March 30, 2022

Dr. Rav James Inc. – Notification of Price Change Effective 1 May, 2023

I would like to thank all of my patients for the continued support of my root causes, Functional Medicine approach to health and healing. My vision has always been to run a high-touch practice, one that allows me…

by Dr. Rav James
March 14, 2022

Not Sure About Pooping in a Tube? Here’s How It Could Change The Way You Live

Question: Why poop in a tube? Answer: Because while chia seeds, cherries, and chickpeas might be one person’s superfood, they’ll be another’s poison. And sometimes, that poison can more dangerous than you might think, affecting not only how…

by Dr. Rav James
February 16, 2022

4 Life Changing Things I Learnt by Attaching a Glucose Monitor to My Arm

A while ago I attached a glucose monitor to my arm for 14 days. You’ll all know that a glucose monitor is a useful tool for diabetics, but can it be life-changing for non-diabetics too? With more and…