by Ryan James
February 5, 2025

7 & 8 March: A rest & renewal weekend of Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy & Yin Yoga at Hanya House

Visiting 500-Level Yin yoga teacher, lecturer and acupuncturist, Theresa Moodie, teams up with resident sports physiotherapist and cranial-sacral therapist, Lindsay Harris, offering transformative treatments designed to soothe the nervous system, restore balance, and replenish energy reserves. Customise your own…

by Ryan James
October 21, 2024

8 & 9 November: An “East Meets West” weekend of ancient healing with acudetox, acupuncture, Yin yoga & cranio-sacral therapy

Visiting 500-Level Yin yoga teacher, lecturer and acupuncturist, Theresa Moodie, teams up with sports physiotherapist and cranial-sacral therapist, Lindsay Harris, offering transformative treatments that will restore you for the final leg of the 2024. Customise your own weekend…

by Dr Allison van der Riet
September 24, 2024

I’m 40 (and above). Tell me more about biostimulators for restoring my skin’s firmness

For those well versed (or not) in aesthetic treatments, you would have heard the latest buzz word being thrown around in all circles - biostimulators. The most well known cosmetic aesthetic treatments out there are those of BOTulinum…

by Alison Ward
September 13, 2024

Some important life lessons from the muddy trenches of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, my journey as a Life Coach coincided with my daughter’s diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). As a result of many hundreds of hours of research trying to find some…

by Dr. Rav James
September 13, 2024

An overview of non-hormone therapy options for managing medium to severe hot flashes in perimenopause & menopause

The SWAN study - a large cohort study of women transitioning through menopause -  found that 60-80% of women experience hot flashes at some point during the menopause transition. This includes the perimenopause period, or the years leading up…

by Denise Sohandev
August 31, 2024

3 Signs your gut might be affecting your brain (or is it your brain affecting your gut?)

As a Personal Growth Mentor, my aim with clients is to encourage them to explore all aspects of their lives and consider how they can optimise their well-being. Because my journey started on the yoga mat I know…

by Andrea Parker
August 31, 2024

I’m a Biokineticist and a Pilates instructor. Admittedly, my Pilates journey started with “books” and wine…

In 2010, my pilates journey began shortly after moving to Grahamstown (now Makhanda) in the Eastern Cape. I was 30 years old, newly married to Dan, settling into a new town, and starting a new biokinetics practice: Life…

by Ryan James
August 17, 2024

The Magic of the MacFarlanes & the tale of how a healing house also became a (he)art haven

Clearing and Creation is an exhibition at Hanya House, in collaboration with White River Gallery (@whiterivergallery), that celebrates and explores the sacred feminine. This isn't just any exhibition though... it has a backstory that's close to our hearts:…

by Verena Wagner
May 22, 2024

I’ve been a Rebound (Trampoline) Fitness Instructor for almost two years and here’s why I love it

I’m biased but I believe everyone should Rebound (read point number one below immediately!). I don’t think that’s all you should do; lifting heavy weights is so important for longevity and I attend Kingsley CrossFit for that reason.…

by Dr Allison van der Riet
May 9, 2024

5 Changes an aesthetics doctor wants you to make to your skincare routine this winter in the Lowveld

We don’t really have much of a winter season in the Lowveld. Yet despite this, we still suffer the effects of the season on our skins. By understanding the changes and making a few small tweaks to your…

by Kelly van Rooyen
April 28, 2024

5 Steps to repair our connection to our children (and ourselves) when we’ve “reacted” in a way that we aren’t proud of

Last week I did a talk on anxiety in children, and how we can show up to support them as parents.  It ended up being a wonderful (almost) two hours of vulnerable conversations with some incredible parents at Hanya House in…

by Kelly van Rooyen
April 12, 2024

Attuning to our children’s lived experiences and supporting them (and us) through anxiety

I’m sure all of us know what it feels like to experience anxiety, and how we respond to it in our own lives.  We may even know what we need to do to manage it, when we can.…