by Dr. Rav James
October 26, 2024

Acknowledge the sugary comet in the room

Photo: Erin, me, Denise, Lindsey, Bron & Claire enjoying a slice of Hanya's zero-sugar chocolate tart Have you watched Don’t Look Up yet? In this Netflix movie two scientists try to convince humanity that a civilization-destroying comet is on a…

by Farrah Cruse
September 21, 2024

Farrah’s Gut Loving Protein Bowl

This gut-loving bowl is a powerhouse meal loaded with a one-tray mixed roasted veg, to diversify your gut's nutrient density intake. Using quinoa as a base ensures your protein intake has been increased as well as gut loving…

by Ryan James
July 30, 2023

Food is Medicine Season 3 | Episode 3: Tahini

Functional Medicine doctor at Hanya House, Dr. Rav James, is back in The Remedy Bar, this week discussing Tahini or sesame paste - an ingredient that packs huge medicinal value, but is not often used outside of the…

by Dr. Rav James
July 15, 2023

Food is Medicine Season 3 | Episode 2: Cabbage & Herbs

Functional Medicine doctor at Hanya House, Dr. Rav James, is back in The Remedy Bar talking about the huge medicinal benefits of the humble cabbage. PLUS, she shares her way of preparing a fresh cabbage salad without store-bought…

by Ryan James
May 13, 2023

Food is Medicine with Dr. Rav James & The Plantsman Eatery

Kristen Hearne (Founder of The Plantsman Eatery) and Dr. Rav James (Founder and Medical Director of Hanya House Integrative Wellness Centre) both believe that food is the original medicine, capable of fundamentally shaping the quality of our lives.…

by Dr. Rav James
June 17, 2022

Food is Medicine Soups

I'm so excited to bring you this compilation of Food is Medicine soups that I cook in our house almost every month. Just a quick (and important) note before we start: I don't use stock in all my…