by Dr. Rav James
October 12, 2023

“I’m-An-Adult-Who-Got-On-With-It” Induced Anxiety

It’s no secret that I have suffered from some serious periods of extended anxiety in my adult life. I sometimes think about that time I was a 5th year med student on a 36-hour shift in Khayelitsha (you…

by Ryan James
July 30, 2023

Food is Medicine Season 3 | Episode 3: Tahini

Functional Medicine doctor at Hanya House, Dr. Rav James, is back in The Remedy Bar, this week discussing Tahini or sesame paste - an ingredient that packs huge medicinal value, but is not often used outside of the…

by Dr. Rav James
July 15, 2023

Food is Medicine Season 3 | Episode 2: Cabbage & Herbs

Functional Medicine doctor at Hanya House, Dr. Rav James, is back in The Remedy Bar talking about the huge medicinal benefits of the humble cabbage. PLUS, she shares her way of preparing a fresh cabbage salad without store-bought…

by Dr. Rav James
October 14, 2022

Reset Your Metabolic Health

What is it? A 4-week online doctor-led and community-centric journey to manage your weight, reverse disease processes, optimise energy levels, sleep better, and live with more vitality simply by understanding your body’s glucose responses. Next Start Dates: 5…

by Dr. Rav James
June 17, 2022

Food is Medicine Soups

I'm so excited to bring you this compilation of Food is Medicine soups that I cook in our house almost every month. Just a quick (and important) note before we start: I don't use stock in all my…

by Ryan James
May 18, 2022

Simpler IV Therapy Options For Your Wellness Journey

As part of her Functional Medicine approach, Hanya House Medical Director, Dr. Rav James, incorporates intravenous (IV) vitamin therapies into the health plans of many patients. IV Therapy & Health Coaching in One Consultation Dr. Rav sees these…

by Dr. Rav James
March 30, 2022

Dr. Rav James Inc. – Notification of Price Change Effective 1 May, 2023

I would like to thank all of my patients for the continued support of my root causes, Functional Medicine approach to health and healing. My vision has always been to run a high-touch practice, one that allows me…

by Dr. Rav James
August 10, 2021

Food is Medicine with Dr. Rav: 4 Quick & Easy Breakfast Ideas

For people looking to track a “food is medicine” approach to their life, one of the hardest meals to change is breakfast. I don’t ask all my patients to cut out sugar, gluten, dairy, and eggs forever, but…